Переход на версию 7. CREATE ACCOUNT DOWNLOAD FORUM INFORMATION ARMORY LOG IN. Horde character creation remains disabled. Learn More about Patch 7. This restriction will remain active until an acceptable faction ratio is achieved.
CATACLYSM CHANGELOG June 28, Wrath of the Lich King realms have been updated with dynamic raid difficulty switching. All realms are back online, maintenance has been concluded. EMAIL TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION March 5, Icecrown has reached its population cap of 12, concurrent players online with solid stability and performance!
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Icecrown is under DDoS attack. NEW BURNING CRUSADE REALM May 26, The Public Test Realm for our upcoming Burning Crusade realm Outland has been released. DothaR - Вчера, Wotlk x1 PvE, 3.
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